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Pickup Adjustment Height Foam,with Internal Springs

On sale US$5.50
In Stock
Part Number:PA-38026

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Short size
Long size (+US$0.50)

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  • 1 - 9
  • US$5.50
  • 10 - 19
  • US$4.95
  • 20+
  • US$3.99
Pickup Adjustment Height Foam,with Internal Springs

Price is 1 pair(2pcs)

The long one size:around 60mm*18mm,for Jazzmaster or J bass pickups,or other pickups.
The short one size:around 30mm*19mm,for P bass or Jaguar pickups,or other pickups.

Both size has the same height around 14mm

Please choose the size on the above size option.

How to use it?
1)Take off one side paper on the round sticker
2)Stick the round sticker on the foam back at the spring position,and press it to glue it.
3)Take off the other side paper on the round sticker,then stick it in the guitar pickup cavity.

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